Dr. Mahenthiram Arunmaran
BSc [Hons] (Jaffna), PhD (UniSA, Australia)
- Lecturer in Mathematics
- 0094-755913640
- B.Sc (Hons) in Mathematics (University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 2017).
- PhD in Mathematics (University of South Australia, Australia, 2023)
- Member of Australian Mathematical Society (2020 to date)
Professor Chellapah Suntharalingam Gold Medal in Mathematics.
- Awarded for the best performance in Mathematics course units at the Special degree examination in Science for the years 2014 and 2015.
Sir Arunachalam Mahadeva Memorial Prize in Mathematics.
- Awarded for the best performance in Mathematics in the Special Degree Examination in Science in 2015.
University Prizes.
- Awarded for the best performance in physical science at the General Degree Examination in Science Level-2G, 2013.
Awarded Pradeepan Jeganathan Memorial Scholarship for the best performance in Math- ematics course units for Level-1G and Level-2G for the academic year 2013/2014.
Oral presentations
- New ℎ-functions and 𝑔-functions of simply connected regions, 66th Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, UNSW Sydney (2022).
- Harmonic-measure distribution functions (ℎ-functions) of polygonal regions, 𝑔-functions, UniSA STEM graduate research day, University of South Australia (2022).
- The harmonic-measure distribution functions of multiply connected regions, 65th Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of Newcastle (2021).
- The harmonic-measure distribution functions (ℎ-functions) of regions with many holes, UniSA STEM graduate research day, University of South Australia (2021).
- Discussion on the relationships between semicontinuity in bitopological spaces and topological spaces, WinC-2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- Results related with semi compactness in Bitopological Spaces, VIRC-2018, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Results of τ1τ2 ´ δ semi compactness in bitopological spaces, iPURSE-2017, University of Per- adeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Study on τ1τ2 ´ δ semi connectedness in bitopological spaces, IntSym-2017, South Eastern Uni- versity of Sri Lanka.
- PMM303G3 – Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (2023)
- MMT407M3 – Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations (2023)
- Green, C.C., Mahenthiram, A. and Ward, L.A. Harmonic-measure distribution functions of multiply connected regions with various geometries. Manuscript in preparation.
- Mahenthiram, A., Walden, B.L. and Ward, L.A. Discussing ℎ-functions of several planar simply connected regions. Manuscript in preparation.
- Mahenthiram, A., Walden, B.L. and Ward, L.A. Results on Stephenson’s 𝑔-function. Manuscript in preparation.
- Mahenthiram, A. Harmonic-measure distribution functions of simply connected and doubly connected polygonal regions. Manuscript in preparation.
- Mahenthiram, A. Computing ℎ-function of doubly connected region formed by deleting a slit from the unit disc, (Accepted) Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2023), PGIS, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Mahenthiram, A. Computing ℎ-functions of some planar simply connected two-dimensional regions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. (Submitted)
- Mahenthiram, A. New harmonic-measure distribution functions of some simply connected planar regions, Journal of Revista de la Union Mathematica Argentina. (Submitted)
- Mahenthiram, A. Study on ℎ-function of a bounded simply connected region: Disc with deleted double slits, (Submitted) (RESCON 2023), PGIS, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Mahenthiram, A. New ℎ-functions and 𝑔-functions of simply connected regions, Proceedings of 66th Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, UNSW Sydney (2022).
- Mahenthiram, A. The harmonic-measure distribution functions of multiply connected regions, Proceedings of 65th Annual Conference of the Australian Mathematical Society, University of Newcastle (2021).
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan, “Discussion on Quotient bi-space and on pairwise regular and normal spaces in Bitopological spaces, Journal of Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Knowvel Vol-01, pp.13-15, (2019).
M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan , “Some results related with Fuzzy α-normed linear space”, Journal of Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Knowvel Vol.1, pp.11-12, (2019).
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan, “Some results of τ1τ2 ´ δ semi connectedness and com- pactness in bitopological spaces”, Journal of Mathematics, (2018).
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan , “Some Properties of τ1τ2 ´ δ Semi Open Sets/Closed Sets In Bitopological Spaces”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 115, No. 4, pp. 759-770, (2017).
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan, “Some results in Bitopological Spaces”, Mathematical Sci- ences International Research Journal , Vol 6, No. 2, pp.18-20, (2017).
Abstracts in Conference Proceedings.
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan, “Discussing the relationships between semicontinuity in bitopological spaces and topological spaces”, Proceddings of WinC-2018, Wayamba Uni- versity of Sri Lanka.
- M.Arunmaran and K.Kannan, “Some Results related with semi compactness in Bitopo- logical Spaces”, Proceedings of VIRC-2018, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, p7.
- Some results of τ1τ2 ´δ semi compactness in bitopological spaces, Proceedings of iPURSE- 2017, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- τ1τ2 ´ δ semi connectedness in bitopological spaces, proceedings of IntSym-2017, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, p25, (2017).
Commonwealth Funded Scholarship
- Awarded Commonwealth funded Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship to follow PhD program at the University of South Australia in 2019.