B.Sc. [Hons] (Jaffna), Ph.D(United Kingdom).
- Professor in Mathematics
- rvicky58@gmail.com
- Ph.D in Mathematics (University of Sussex, United Kingdom, 1991).
- B.Sc (Honours) in Mathematics (University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 1982).
- Vice chancellor of university of Jaffna (2017-2019).
- Dean of Faculty of Science (2016-2017) University of Jaffna.
- Head, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (2013-2016, 2006-2009) University of Jaffna.
- Co-Coordinator/ IRQUE-QEF Project (World Bank Funded Programme-2006-2010)
- Head, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (2002-2004, 1994-2000) Eastern University.
- Head, Department of Computer unit (2002-2004, 1994-2000) Eastern University.
- Director/ Staff Development Centre(2002-2004)
- British Technical Co-operation Training Award, ODA, UK (1988-1991).
- Commonwealth Fellowship Award (2000-2001).
- Travel grant to participate “40th Session on Modern Methods in Scientific Computing and Applications”, Montreal, Canada, (2001).
- UNESCO grant (including travel grant) to participate “International Conference and Instructional Workshop on Industrial Mathematics”, (ICIWIM-2002) IIT, Bombay, India (2002).
- NSF travel grant to participate “International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics” (NACOM-2003), Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, UK (2003).
- Chairman, Faculty Research Committee from July, 2011 to March 2013.
- Chairman, Commonwealth of Leaning Review Improving Model (COLRIM) Self-Review Team, University of Jaffna (2013/2014).
- Chairman, Faculty sub-committee on introducing Applied Science Degree Programme(2013/2014).
- Senior Treasurer, Hindu Association, Eastern University (1996 – 2000).
- Senior Treasurer, “Students Fund”, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (1996 – 2000).
- President, Senior Common Room Society (SCRS), Eastern University (1996).
- President, “Eastern University Teachers’ Association, (1999 – 2003).
- President, “Jaffna University Science Teachers’Association (JUSTA)”(2007/08).
- President, “University of Jaffna Teachers’ Association (UJTA)” from March, 2011 to 2012.
- Vice- President, “Federation of Universities Teachers’ Association (FUTA)”, 2012.
- Chief Examiner for Applied Mathematics and Combined Mathematics, G.C.E.(A/L) Examination from 1992 to 2013.
- Co-Controller for Applied Mathematics, G.C.E.(A/L) Examination, (1998).
- Co-Controller for Combined Mathematics, G.C.E.(A/L) Examination, (2011-2013).
- PMM101GC2- Set Theory.
- PMM104GC2- Calculus.
- PMM221GE2- Advance Calculus.
- PMM202GC4- Analysis.
- AMM221GE2- Numerical Analysis.
- AMM321GE2- Numerical Methods.
- MMM301MC4- Numerical Linear Algebra.
- MMM401MC4- Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations.
- MMM403MC6- Functional Analysis.
- CSC403MC4 – Numerical Linear Algebra and Solutions of Differential Equations.
- Vigneswaran and S.Kajanthan, “A CLASS OF S-STEP NON-LINEAR ITERATION SCHEME BASED ON PROJECTION METHOD FOR GAUSS METHOD”,Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Vol 1, 38-42, 2019.
- Vigneswaran and S. Thilaganathan, “ Phase Space Error Control with Variable Time-Stepping Algorithm applied to the forward Euler Method for AutonomousDynamical Systems”, Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Vol 1, 26-40, 2019.
- Thilaganathan and R.Vigneswaran,“PIIASE SPACE THETA ERROR’CONTROL WITH VARIABLE TIME.STEPPING ALGORITHMS APPLIED TO THE EXPLICIT RUNGE.KUTTA METIIODS F’ORAUTONOMOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Educations, University of Peradeniya, p. 47, 2019.
- KajanthanandR. Vigneswaran, “Improved Convergence Rates of an Iterative Scheme with Extra sub-steps for Gauss Method”,Vingnanam International Research Conference 2018 (VIRC2018), UNIVERSITY of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, p.12.
- KajanthanandR. Vigneswaran, “Accelerating the Rate of Convergence of a More General Linear Iteration Scheme by using the Projection Method for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, Jaffna University International Research Conference, 2018.
- Vigneswaran and S.Kajanthan, “Improving Rates of Convergence of an Iterative Schemes with Extra sub-steps for Two Stage Gauss Method”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (2017).
- KajanthanandR. Vigneswaran, “Accelerating the Rate of Convergence of a More General Linear Iteration Scheme by using the Projection Method for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, Peradeniya University international research sessions 2017(iPURSE2017, p.380-381.)
- Vigneswaran and S. Thilaganathan “A combined error control with Forward Euler Method for Dynamical Systems”, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol: 3, No: 5, (2016).
- Thilaganathan and R.Vigneswaran, “Phase Space Error Control with Variable Time-Stepping Algorithms to the Forward Euler Method for Dynamical Systems”, Proceeding of the Jaffna University International Research Conference, 293-299, (2016).
- Thilaganathan and R.Vigneswaran, “Phase Space Theta Error control with General Explicit Runge-Kutta methods for Dynamical Systems”, PROCEEDING of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, page- 50, (2016).
- B. Duresha Chamaleen and R.Vigneswaran, “Accelerating the rate of convergence of some efficient schemes for two stage Gauss method”, Proceeding of the International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, page- 59, (2016).
- Shanjeevan and R.Vigneswaran, “Schemes with improving rate of convergence for three stage Gauss method”, Proceeding of the International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, page- 61, (2016).
- Vigneswaran,“A Non-linear Scheme based on Projection Method for Two Stage Gauss Method”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 101 (4) (2015), 463-476.
- Yogarajah, C. Elankumaran and R. Vigneswaran, “Investigating ARIMA and ARIMAX models for PREDICTING PADDYPRODUCTION IN VAVUNIYA District in Sri Lanka” PRESENTED AT the 1st Ruhuna INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE and Technology CONFERENCE,(RISTCON 2014), January, 22-23, 2014.
- Vigneswaran and S.Kajanthan,“Efficient Implementation Schemes for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”,International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 93 (4) (2014), 525-540.
- KajanthanandR. Vigneswaran,“On the Efficient Implementation for Three Stage Gauss Method “, Twenty-First ANNUAL Research Session of Jaffna Science ASSOCIATION (JSA),(2014).5.
- Vigneswaran, “Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods in Solving Stiff ordinary Differential Equations,” Invited Talk at the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICM)-2014, Madurai, India.
- Vigneswaran, “Some Efficient Schemes for two stage Gauss Method” Proceeding of the 2nd Annual International Conference on. Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry. & Statistics. (CMCGS 2013), Singapore, 9-15.
- Vigneswaran, “Some Efficient Schemes with Improving Rate of Convergence for Two stage Gauss Method” Journal OF MATHEMATICS, Statistics and Operational RESEARCH (JMSOR)Vol. 2 No. 1(2013), 23-29.
- Vigneswaran, ”Phase Space Error Control with forward Euler Method for Dynamical Systems”, Proceeding of the Instructional Workshop on Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, South Asian University, New Delhi, India, May, 2013.
- Ananthakrishna and R. Vigneswaran, “ Schemes with Improving Convergence Rates for the two stage GaussMethod”, Proceeding of the Nineteenth Annual Research Sessions of Jaffna Science Association(JSA), page-05 (2012).
- Vigneswaran and M.Khokulan,“Implementation Schemes forTwo stage Gauss Method”, Proceeding of the Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE), page-205 (2012).
- Yogarajah, C. Elankumaran and R. Vigneswaran, “Behavior of rainfall Patterns in the Trincomalee District: A Time Series Modeling Approach” Proceeding of the Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE), page-209 (2012).
- Vigneswaran, “Improving Rates of Convergence of Iterative Schemes for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics1(Issue 1)(2004) 327-338.
- Vigneswaran, “An Error Control with Variable Time-Stepping Runge-Kutta Methods for Dynamical Systems”, Proceeding of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM-2004), Greece, 440-443.
- Tony Humphries& R. Vigneswaran, “Phase Space Stability Error Control with Variable Time-stepping Runge-Kutta Methods for Dynamical Systems”, Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics1(Issue 2)(2004) 469-488.
- Vigneswaran, “Some Linear Schemes for Two-stage Gauss Type Runge-Kutta Method”Proceeding of the Third Annual Research Session at the Eastern University(2004) 160-183.
- Vigneswaran, “Iterative Schemes with Extra Sub-steps for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics (NACOM, 2003), Cambridge, UK, 169-172.
- R .Vigneswaran, R Humphries&N. Christodoulou, “Phase Space/ Stability Error Control for Dynamical Systems”, Dundee Numerical Analysis Conference, University of Dundee, UK (2001).
- Vigneswaran, A.R Humphries, P. Fenton, & N. Christodoulou, “Dynamics of fixed and Variable Step-Size Runge-Kutta Methods”, International Conference in Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, Vancouver, Canada (2001).
- J. Cooper &R.Vignesvaran,“Some Schemes for the Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics45(1993)213-225.
- J. Cooper & R. Vignesvaran, “Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods on Parallel Processors”, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SCADE 93), University of Auckland, New Zealand (1993).
- J. Cooper &R.Vignesvaran, “On the use of Parallel Processors for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, Computing51(1993) 135-150.
- J. Cooper & R. Vignesvaran, “Some Linear Iteration Schemes for Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, 13th World Congress in Computational and Applied Mathematics Proceeding IMACS, Dublin, Ireland (1991) 289-290.
- J. Cooper & R. Vignesvaran, “A Scheme for the Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, Computing 45(1990) 321-332.
- Vignesvaran, “IterationSchemes for the Implementation of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods”, University of Sussex, UK(1990).
- NSF travel grant to participate “International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics” (NACOM-2003), Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge, UK (2003).
- UNESCO grant (including travel grant) to participate “International Conference and Instructional Workshop on Industrial Mathematics”, (ICIWIM-2002) IIT, Bombay, India (2002).
- Travel grant to participate “40th Session on Modern Methods in Scientific Computing and Applications”, Montreal, Canada, (2001).
- Commonwealth Fellowship Award (2000-2001).
- British Technical Co-operation Training Award, ODA, UK (1988-1991).